The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7
When you think of the word “trigger” what comes to mind. You may think of the small piece of metal that is pressed putting a gun into action. Or a fight that sets off or triggers a riot. Possibly you may think of an emotional state that can cause distress when one has dealt with a traumatic event in their life. One word with so many definitions.
In 1981 the Hyatt Regency Hotel walkway collapsed, and people died. It was a real tragedy for Kansas City, and I am sure the survivors dealt with the trauma the rest of their lives. The event was a large party atmosphere, no one expected chaos and crisis to overwhelm that evening.
In 1981 John was still working on construction jobs. Jobs were scarce. During those times I took jobs on a temporary status to get thru the lean times. And so, I did what I knew, and went to work in a bank.
Our children were 7 and 5, I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom but sometimes necessities must override our desires.
I liked the job and my boss; my previous experience was a blessing. In more ways than I ever dreamed possible.
One morning loud yelling and confusion filled the air. Unfortunately, I knew what that meant. A robbery was underway. My first thought was “God please don’t let anyone get hurt.” Next this huge man, tall and stocky, grabbed me and dragged me around the teller counter. When we got in front of the door, he shoved me to the floor. Then the trauma happened. He pushed his gun into the back of my head and threatened the others to do as he said. If they failed, he informed them he had “no problem wasting me.” Ugh, my heart sank. In my head I began talking to God. “God, who is going to raise my kids if I die? No one can ever love them as much as I do.” My main concern was not for myself but for my precious children.
Then I realized that he had called an elderly fellow worker to the door. She laid next to me and was crying. I could tell the more she cried the more agitated he became. Without realizing it I put my arm around her patting her and telling her everything would be ok. The rest is history.
If we were to interview our church family, I am sure we would find events that come with triggers.
What struck me when I prepared all month for this article was that I knew no one would love my kids like I did. Then I thought about our Heavenly Father and how much He loves even the worse sinner and wants everyone to draw near Him. No one loves us like He does.
He let Jesus, His Son, pay our sin debt so we could join Him in Heaven someday. His desire is to be close to us. Where do you put your trust?
How can someone love something that takes so much?
So many hours. So much toil. So many resources. So much labor. So many missed social events and family trips. So much heartache when an animal dies or a crop fails. So many early mornings and late nights. So much investment for often so little gain. So many what ifs, why nots, how comes and if onlys. So much uncertainty and very few assurances. So many variables so out of our control.
How can one possibly love a farm? Because a farm gives so much more than it takes.
So much pride in feeding your own family and countless others. So many memories doing the hard things together. So much joy in what some see as mundane but you see as miraculous. So many days spent making a life, not a living. So much value in what’s ultimately priceless. So many life lessons that no book could ever teach. So much faith in the greater good and our God, who holds it and us all together.
To love a farm is not for the faint of heart, though some days it takes all we’ve got to keep our hearts strong, minds focused and feet moving. It’s the hard days of farming that make the good days all the more worth it.
To love a farm is to push past fears, embrace change for the promise change can bring and learn from the mistakes of yesterday to make tomorrow better.
To love a farm is to cherish a life not many get to experience yet so many benefit from.
To love a farm is one of the greatest privileges and sweetest blessing I've ever known. Meredith Bernard, Progressive Farmer February 2022
How can one love something that takes so much? I wonder if Jesus would be justified in asking that question? Let’s be honest, Jesus works harder on our relationships with Him than we do. We have tendencies to let life get in the way. Our work, families, sports and countless other activities push Him aside more often than we would like to admit. Yet the Savior keeps on loving us and drawing us closer.
Scripture tells us that the road is narrow, and few find it, so unfortunately many will not experience eternity in heaven. It's sad to say, but the world views Christianity as chains dragging life down, no fun, instead of a rewarding way to live.
To know that Jesus loves His children is a great privilege and a sweet blessing. In Sunday school yesterday we talked about how words are cheap unless we are willing to put action behind them. A handshake was trustworthy. A man’s word was as good as gold. Maybe that is why the world has the views of Christianity that they do.
We read this article by Ms. Bernard and saw the similarities in the toil of labor for both the farm life and a believer. Both require serious commitment, hard times and many rewards.
The rewards of being one of God’s children outweighs living the “me” lifestyle the world considers acceptable.
The weather forecast for January 1, 2022, did not look favorable for a large part of our country. Snow, ice, and heavy winds were breathing down our necks.
Fortunately, we escaped the ice and received much less snow that originally expected but the wind was harsh. Since farmers and ranchers are stewards of God’s livestock the weather conditions did not give them a free pass for a day off. So out they went, feeding, watering, and bedding down God’s farm animals. We were among those who had this responsibility driving from pasture to pasture checking cows and calves. John chopped ice in waterers and ponds as they waited patiently. Snow continued to float through the air giving off a foggy, eerie looking background. The cattle sported “a new look” with snow frozen on their backs and faces.
January 2nd is still cold, windy but the sun is shining. What a difference the sun makes! The cattle are still wearing the white snow capes and hats but as we continued to chore, I noticed the combination of the heat from the sun and their body softening the snow. Before we were finished that day it began melting. The drips ran down their sides with an occasional hunk falling off. The sun did feel good to us too and was beautiful giving the illusion of diamonds glittering in the snow. How can two days weather be so different?
People like you and I are sinners. At some point in life, we realize our need to change and recognize who Jesus Christ is. We take it a step farther and acknowledge Him as our Savior. One day we are a sinner who could care less about the Son and the next we bow down before Him asking for forgiveness.
At some point before we accepted Jesus we too are dripping in sin. Sometimes it did not just drip off of us but poured out of us. Jesus is our source of redemption, our only source.
The drunk or drug addict may be dripping in self-pity. The habitual liar cannot tell the truth because it is easier for them to lie. The everyday John or Jane Doe may have what some consider little sins in their lives, not only hurting themselves but others, yet they are separated from God just the same because a sin is a sin in His eyes.
So how do we win a battle we are ill equipped to fight? We turn to Jesus, accept His gift of salvation, give Him control. My life was not an overnight change, it was a work in progress. Mistakes, failures, some successes were repeated daily for years and to be honest I still fall.
The Son’s power is awesome. He works miracles everyday and He wants us to succeed. The ice on the livestock had to wait for the environment to change, but our lives can begin to change the moment we accept salvation from the true Savior. The power and authority of Jesus in your life can give you freedom like you have never known before. Soak up the Son!
“Did you want to bake any cookies before we leave?” One of my husband's favorite remarks when we get into the car to go anywhere. I guess we could say with just cause for I always find things to do as I run out the door. He is sitting there waiting on me and I am running around like a crazy lady.
No matter how well I try to prepare for leaving, as I walk out, I find things that need my attention then, not later when I get home. I assume that his sense of humor is all that has kept him sane throughout the years.
Let me switch gears for a minute. Today I was reading a few articles from “The Pathway” newspaper. One article read: “the majority of Catholic (68%) and mainline protestants (56%) say that people who don’t believe in God can go to Heaven, according to a study from Pew Research Center. Thirty-nine percent of all American adults, in general agree.
I am assuming that they are going to Heaven because they believe they are good more often than bad. Think back about three weeks ago when Pastor Seth asked us if anyone ever felt like the worse sinner in the world and asked us to raise our hand. I did not look around, but I am sure my hand was the highest one in the sanctuary because there are times I feel that way. It is only because of my faith and trust in Jesus that I will ever walk thru the gates of Heaven. I also know that if I had been the only sinner in the world, past, present, or future Jesus would have still died on the cross and rose from the grave for me. What a gift!
During my “quiet time" one morning, I read a quote that we all need to consider. “Stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready! Jesus is returning someday.
Despite my attempts to prepare for my departure I always find something to distract me. I will keep trying to improve and hopefully John can quit worrying about those cookies in the oven. Those cookies are not important but where a person will spend eternity is!
A second article stated: “In a survey of some 6,500 American adults, Pew Research Center found that many Americans still hold religious convictions including a deep and abiding belief in God, belief in heaven and hell, and the belief that God is not to blame for human suffering. In the survey, a majority of Americans (58 percent) define their God as the one described in the Bible. Another one-third (32%) believe in a god or spiritual power although not necessarily that in the bible.
And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life, whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12 God guarantees us eternal life if we believe in Jesus. Something so simple yet so difficult for so many to believe. Heartbreaking!
My patience has certainly been tested over the last three days. I bought a pattern for fabric baskets that nest inside one another. It is designed for advanced beginners, I struggled with the idea if I could make these three cute baskets for a Christmas gift for my youngest granddaughter. She is an organizer and I thought this could be a cute and useful gift.
I bought the supplies, cut fabric and foam and began the process of assembling the largest basket; thinking it might be easier because it was bigger. My theory lies in the fact that Barbie clothes are much more difficult to make than people clothes!
Day 1: Repeatedly I put together, I ripped out. Day 2: I put together and I ripped out. Finally, that afternoon I made a trip to St. Joe to visit my sister-in-law. “This pattern is for beginners, do you think we can figure it out together,” I asked. Laughing she said she was sure we could. At the end of the first hour, she told me these were the worse instructions she ever saw. I am laughing right now as I type this. It is funny now, not so much then.
We produced our own instructions. I went home and the next morning I began again. Ugh! Sewing and ripping over and over. I must admit I thought about wadding the whole mess up and pitching it, but I wanted to make these baskets and I loved the fabric I had chosen. At the last ripping I found myself laughing hysterically at my stubbornness as I forged on.
A word that keeps coming to mind as I have worked for 3 days now is perseverance. No matter what we encounter we are to keep going.
The Bible reminds us to keep running the race, finish to the end. I realize there is a dramatic difference between sewing a basket and perseverance in the Christian walk. Yet the concept is the same.
There will always be trials, believe me this basket has been one! Life’s journey is the same way. We will have hurts, tragedies, illness along with the blessings and grace. The point is we must keep pushing forward. Striving to be the people God calls us to be. It is not always easy, in fact, it is never easy. Life is going to happen.
As important as these baskets are to me, they simply do not begin to compare with my obedience and walk with Jesus. The bible makes it clear how a Christian should live. The standards are high because our God cannot tolerate sin. Most days I fail in one way or another. If we are honest with ourselves, I imagine most of us fail.
So, each day we turn to the bible for our instructions in life and the Christian walk. We keep going and going and going. We love even the unlovable because sometimes we are the unlovable too. Even when discouraged hang in there and don’t give up. God has an amazing way of blessing our lives through the “ups and downs” of life.
The Devil Made Me Do It
“Kids Say the Darnest Things” was a segment on the Art Linkletter Show when I was a child. Art Linkletter would entertain the audience as well as himself with the innocent answers the children gave to his questions. Today’s children are no different, they give a variety of excuses to defend themselves or silly answers to give us a good laugh.
When my daughter was about 7, she was being quite naughty one day. I asked her what got into her. “The devil on my shoulder made me do it,” she replied. I asked her about the angel on her other shoulder, “Oh mommy,” she said, “I can’t hear her. She only whispers,” Patricia Nogle. Waterloo, New York. Country Woman Magazine Aug/Sept 2021
One thing is for sure, the devil comes in loud and clear. His voice comes as a deafening roar because he wants to make sure we hear about the glamorous opportunity that is headed our way.
We have all seen the cartoon of the devil, red suit, pitchfork in hand leaning over to an unsuspecting person. On the other shoulder sits a sweet little angel dressed in white with a glimmering halo. The angel leans over and whispers into the person’s ear too. A battle is going on in this person’s heart as each side states their cause.
Now the devil loves it when we view him as a cartoon character because he knows we don’t take him seriously. The bible makes it clear that he is real not a made-up myth. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you James 4:7
We face battles everyday, making decisions and taking actions. If we follow the angel’s whispers, life goes on. If we choose to follow the devil, consequences will certainly come our way. His road of life always leads to punishment. As believers, we know who wins the final war, but the daily battles are just as important.
Angels are not cartoon characters either. They were created, in fact the devil was one of God’s angels before he rebelled. God has used angels in many situations, the bible gives example after example. Most everyone knows about the angel that visited Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds when Jesus was born.
The next time we face the battle of “devil vs. angel,” who are we going to listen to. Two choices, the devil who will make the sinful fruit appealing to the point that we will want to look, touch, and react or the angel, who will be trying to persuade us to do the right thing.
The fruit may look luscious, but it will leave a bitter taste in our mouth. The angel’s advice will certainly taste sweet like honey.
Are we like the little girl, choosing to hear what we want to hear out of selfish desires? The devil’s invitation maybe more inviting today, but it will bring sorrow tomorrow. The angel’s advice will help us to stay on that straight and narrow road of life. It is this path that leads us closer to Jesus each day.
We have noticed the leaves have already begun to fall, spiders are building cobwebs in the most inconvenient places, and the flowers outside are beginning to look a little sad. Signs indicating cooler weather will soon be in our midst.
All of this reminds me that it will soon be time to prepare for the coming seasons. Fall cleanup and preparing for winter are knocking at our door. Have you ever noticed that for some reason it is not as much fun as spring cleaning?
Windows are longing to be washed, summer furniture needs to be cleaned and put away along with all the other jobs to prepare our homes. Most of us have houses with many rooms. I would venture to guess somewhere within the boundaries of our walls is a room or at least a closet that is a catchall. That place is a dreaded place to clean. If you don’t have a room like this, I am hoping you at least have a junk drawer. Everybody needs a place like this.
But it is such a chore to tackle. Even though you have swept, dusted and picked up items all spring and summer your home needs a little special attention again. So it goes, we begin the process to straighten and clean to provide a nice comfy place to live when the cold wind blows and the snow is flying.
If you have been to church much you are aware we are all sinners. Our selfish nature demands attention daily and is a constant threat in day-to-day activities. Me, Me, Me screams out at every turn.
And so the rooms in our hearts become a little dirty at times and need a good cleaning. The problem is we cannot do the deep cleaning once and expect it to stay clean. We are human, we will be selfish, and those rooms will need a good cleaning regularly.
To complicate this situation even farther is the fact that we cannot clean these rooms by ourselves. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Psalms 51:10-12
In the book of Psalms, David was just like us. The rooms in his heart needed cleaning because he sinned multiple times in this one specific event in his life. That is normal because one sin always leads to another. If for no other reason as we must lie to cover up the first sin as we try to plead our innocence. It never works!
Let me leave you with one thought. Psalms 51:10-12 should be the daily desire of our heart. Jesus promises He will return for us someday. When the King comes, wouldn’t you like to have a clean house? Wouldn’t you like Him to find the rooms in your heart spotless?
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4-5
Our God, the creator of the heavens and earth is the only one truly worthy of our worship as He waits for us to come near. I am going to ask you a very personal question. Why do you go to church?
I have struggled with this article all month. It seems as if God is wanting me to write about something I fully do not understand. So, I have done a little studying on worship.
Worship is for God, not people or things. Looking at our culture it seems as though we are influenced by so many different areas. Our friends, sports figures and Hollywood people, wealth and prized possessions, our leaders and even our own family members.
Fathers, do you realize how important your job is? Your job was not finished when you brought some helpless baby into the world. It is only beginning. Your job is to be a positive Godly role model for them and their mother. If attending church, Sunday School and functions of the church are not important to you they will not be important to your sons and daughters.
Mothers, do you realize how important your job is? Your job is to be supportive of your husband and children. Nurturing them and caring for their needs. Somehow during that process, you are to take care of your needs also. Proverbs 31 is the guide a Godly women will strive to follow.
Children, do you realize how important your job is? Yes, you have responsibilities also. God says you are to be obedient to your parents and show other’s respect. Respect is something our culture has successfully destroyed.
When we combine all three of these people groups, we have a family. Today's culture is out to destroy the family like never before. Are we going to fight for the family or not?
Our attitude towards God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is crucial. So, do you attend church to fulfill your duty, socialize or to worship?
At some point during your day do you focus on God? Is your prayer time a list of requests only? How do you serve God? Every church in this nation has a need for willing workers, people to serve and lead. Whether it be need of teachers, someone in the kitchen, the librarian, or people to help with decisions of managing the church’s direction in meetings.
As adults our attitudes have a major impact on the next generation. Jesus is our role model and He served with a willing heart. Never once do we read in scripture words from Him stating He was too busy, had other things to do or was tired.
Take some time to thank God for all He has done for you today. If you don’t feel blessed, and some days may seem like that, just look around. There is always someone in a worse place than you.
About 3 years ago I began to learn to quilt. I had a general idea of the process, but necessary details were still foreign to me. There are three layers to a quilt. The top, batting, and the backing. They join like a sandwich, layering to become one.
Last year I took on a bigger project and decided to make a full-size quilt for our bed. I had but a few small scraps of red and white fabric from my mom’s sewing stash. There was not much to work with but the colors and design of the fabric had a purpose in my mind. I wanted the center of the quilt to hold a cross with each block following the cross to be completely different. That was my plan.
It has taken John and I years to grow in our relationship not only with each other but with Jesus Christ. We have stood on the mountain tops and belly crawled through the valleys together. Many times, the Lord Himself has prodded us on to finish what He started in us or to fix our human mistakes. Our lives are like the quilt, our top layer is the beginning of our relationship and marriage. The batting brought the blessing of children and their time in our home. The backing was and is the time we are back together as one.
The top of a quilt holds the beauty of the design and colors that the quilter chooses to express themselves. The reasoning for a different block design in my quilt was centered around the cross. People are different, no two are exactly alike. That even applies to John and I. Even though we have been together as a couple for 52 years we are still individuals and quite different.
Next comes the tiny stitches that connects the three layers. I hand quilt my creations because I am too cheap to pay someone to do it on a machine. At first, I did not enjoy those tiny stitches, it was too slow. But as time went on, I began to enjoy the beautiful appearance and I even came to enjoy making the stitches. It was calming.
The quilter can choose any design, plain or elaborate as their quilting pattern. Being a detail person, I tend to choose elaborate. It is more time consuming but, in the end, I view the pattern as beautiful.
Jesus Christ is the pattern or role model for each of our lives. The scriptures are love letters to you and I showing us how to live like our Savior. The pattern is before us, but we must learn to apply it. This only comes from reading the Bible, praying, and purposely striving to follow Christ’s pattern.
Small scraps of fabric become a beautiful imperfect gift for someone we love. If a person is not familiar with these techniques, effort, and cost they cannot fully value the gift. It is the same with Jesus and His gift of salvation. He was perfect, unlike the quilt, but His body was broken and sacrificed on the cross out of pure love. His love for us cost Him His life. The ultimate gift.
Thoughts to Live By
Successful Farming Magazine printed an article about Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell as he spoke at the Farmer Business Network’s Conference. I was so impressed that I googled him. His actions during Operations Redwing not only showed his bravery but God’s hand in his life.
Luttrell and three others were in impending danger. A small group of goat herders spotted them on their mission. Within an hour of releasing the herdsmen the Seals were surrounded by 150 Taliban fighters. A helicopter rescue team attempted a rescue but was shot down, all aboard were killed. Unconscious with fractures, a broken back, and several shrapnel wounds he laid on the side of a mountain. Waking up he inched his way down avoiding the enemy and was found by a local village. A village emissary went for help to the nearest US Base.
In the speech he gave 9 thoughts for farmers. My brain immediately started sorting them out into a Christian’s life.
Discipline results in respect. Self-discipline is a requirement for a successful life. We must battle against our struggles while we lean on God’s guidance and strength. Not an easy task at times but a necessary one. Many times, I thought I was winning the battle only to fall flat on my face.
Hard times are necessary. We learn through life’s journey and our mistakes. We cant’ always win or be number one. Defeat teaches us to respect and enjoy the prize when we do win.
Discipline trumps patience. My interpretation was practice over and over till I get it right.
You are unique. Immediately I think of Psalms 139. I visit here when I feel unloved, a failure and defeated.
Who surrounds you? Peer pressure influence is mighty. Is their influence for better or worse?
Listen to your fear. Webster defines fear as an unpleasant, strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. If your gut feeling is telling you something, listen! Many survivors admit they had a gut reaction indicating something was wrong. The other part of the definition defines a proud reverence or awe of God. Respect God and fear His wrath.
Take time to understand people. Walk a mile in your brother or sisters' shoes before you criticize them.
Perspective for hard days. We all have those! Jesus says He will never leave or forsake us. Even on hard days.
Don't fear mistakes. The only way we can avoid mistakes is to do nothing. If we let fear of failure keep us from pursuing our dreams, we have opened the door for Satan to keep us from living for God.
I would like to add a number ten. Don’t ever give up. Keep going at it.
Lutrell eventually recovered and returned to full duty. Deployed again he served on a SEAL team of 5 in Iraqi Freedom. Knees were blown out and a fractured spine again led to a discharge. He received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart. His thoughts were for farmers facing adversity. We all face adversity at some point. Lutrell learned these points from his father and experiences in life.
Most of us will agree we are ready for spring and warm sunshine but this morning we woke up to rain and snow. Different weather than our household was hoping for. We all know the saying about good ole Missouri, if you don’t like the weather just wait a little while, it will change.
It was just 14 months ago that we all began our personal journey with change in activities surrounding Covid. Through that time, we have learned to navigate daily changes that have become a normal part of our “now” normal. I did not say new normal but “now” normal because change is here to stay.
Weekly we receive news that contradicts the previous weeks information and precautions making change commonplace. This has been frustrating for some while others easily go with the flow.
One thing we can count on not changing is Jesus. He is the same, no matter the day of the week, month of the year or during and after Covid. Scripture says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
We must remember that the world changes everyday. Examine how many times your own life’s plans change, one day to the next. Nothing appears to be set in stone on this planet except that change will happen. Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 That may seem unfair to some, but we know that Jesus died for all. There will never be any other way to our home in Heaven other than Christ and His sacrifice on our behalf. No changes there!
But when the set time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Galatians 4:4 Centuries prior to this miraculous birth the details of Jesus birth were revealed in scripture. At His birth, His perfect sacrifice allows us to be adopted into God’s family.
If you are not convinced that God’s word or Jesus Himself will never change you can do a little research to prove how authentic the scriptures are. Compare historical details in the Bible with diverse cultures historical information of that time. The other cultures will verify scriptural facts. It may be time consuming and require a lot of reading, but it will be time well spent.
Remember: Christianity is the only religion that man does not have to produce works to earn heaven. Jesus did all the work. One last scripture to think about. So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:26-29
Adoption never felt so good! The world may appear unstable today, but we can count on Jesus forever.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24
It is hard to believe that “Sew Inspired” as been on the calendar for six months. Our class exists to honor God in whatever we do. To teach skills to anyone willing to learn and to have fun and encourage each other.
Our numbers have dwindled since the first several classes and I understand why. But we have a faithful handful, 4-6 that alternate coming. Three young ladies have been faithful each time. Two are 6th graders and one college student. The creativity is alive and well inside of them and they are putting their growing knowledge to work. We also had a newcomer yesterday who made a quilt top for the Pregnancy Resource Center in one day. As she left, she asked for the next hardest block. Her request and a beautiful smile over her finished project left three teachers very blessed. We are praying that these folks continue to nurture a passion that is sparking inside of them. I want to see a flame!
Most of us are passionate about something. It may be our growing careers, a collection, sports, our families, hobbies, music or whatever. There is something inside of us that causes us to become intensely involved in our pursuit of the prize that lies within the passion.
Do we have a passion for the relationship we have with Jesus? What are we doing to grow closer to Him? Do we use our gifts and talents for Him? How many times do we pass up the opportunity to serve because it is inconvenient? How many times do we want to give up because the journey gets too difficult? We have all been there at some point. Our passion for Christ should take top priority over all other things yet we all fall short at the end of the day one way or another.
“Sew Inspired” has begun our first ministry conquest. We are attempting to make baby quilts for PRC. As our knowledge of sewing grows and more people join us, we can reach out to other areas of need as the passions of our group are revealed.
I would like to brag on the 6th graders of our group one more time. At Christmas they made mug rugs for gifts. In the process they learned new techniques. Yesterday they began their first block for quilt tops, they volunteered to make a top for PRC. I gave them printed off instructions with pictures and turned them loose. Occasionally they asked questions or needed help. For the most part they made the blocks by themselves. Do you see the growth in their knowledge in such a short time? They will continue to make a block until they have enough for the entire top. That takes determination and a passion. A passion that will hopefully touch a mother’s heart and give her baby loving comfort.
Standing Your Ground
In the opening scenes of Acts 8 we read that Saul had approved the stoning of Stephen. On that day, a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem.
Flip back to Exodus 14. Pharaoh, notorious for refusing to let his slave labor leave Egypt began a journey to chase and overpower them as Moses led the people to the Red Sea. Pharaoh is quickly approaching; the sea is behind them and they have no where to go. Looks hopeless from their point of view. Centuries later there is still persecution of Christians throughout the world.
Honestly is the best policy, here is what is on my heart. I am saddened as to what is taking place in our great country today. We are one people who have been blessed like no other country in the world with freedom of choice. Choice to choose our careers, family size, where we live as well as so many other decisions.
I have prayed till I no longer know what to pray so I let the Holy Spirit groan on our behalf. I have begged Jesus to go to our Father and convince Him to intervene. But I honestly feel about as hopeless as those Israelites watching Pharaoh barreling in their direction with no escape in sight. I feel about as helpless as those early believers who dealt with Saul and his hatred.
For some reason this past few months God keeps reminding me of these events (Acts and Exodus). The first thing I have gleaned from these scriptures is that God is still in control and has a plan. Second, leadership is important. Our churches need God fearing men to preach the Bible, not a watered-down version. I believe we are fortunate to have a pastor who will follow through no matter what the cost. Thirdly, we will have our faith tested. Am I scared, you bet! I pray for courage daily. I don’t consider myself a brave person.
If we read the rest of the story, we find that Saul has a dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. He becomes one of the greatest missionaries in history. As for the Israelites, God told Moses to lead them through the Red Sea, Moses raises his staff following God’s command and parts the sea and the Israelites walked on dry ground. Pharaoh led his armies through the same path and God uses a series of tactics finally allowing the walls of water to drown the Egyptians.
What looks hopeless to us is not impossible for God to overcome. He told Moses to move...and I think that is what He is telling the church. Don’t give up, stand your ground. Saul was humbled, lost his sight temporality but he became a chosen instrument of God. Saul is proof that God can change any hardened heart and use anyone. Moses was shown that there is always a way out, it just depends on God’s clock, not ours. No matter what someone takes form you physically, they cannot take what is in your heart. That my child is Jesus. He has drilled this into my head the past few months. These heroes from the bible came to understand that. Stand your ground.
Greener Pastures
We have a cartoon on our fridge that reminds me of the Perry household. A husband and wife are on horseback in the middle of a cow herd. He looks at her and says, “We’ve got 200 angus heifers in this pasture…the one we are looking for chews her cud kinda funny.”
That little cartoon will lead us into our story. Our neighbor’s steers had stomped down a fence leaving their pasture for ours. We had stockpiled our pasture all summer for these late fall and early winter months. The grass is dry but tall and plentiful.
It’s understandable why they wanted to move, they had no grass. When the owner moved his steers he accidently took about a dozen or more of our cows and heifers. The next day we proceeded to coax ours back across the broken-down fence with corn. All but one jumped back across. John and I tried to convince her to come home but she would having nothing to do with it.
Why would she desire to stay in an empty wasteland where there was no food? She looked at the wire and looked at us like we were nuttier than fruitcakes. Funny how she had no problem jumping over it to go where she shouldn’t, but she obviously had no intention of jumping it to come home.
Say what you like but I see a correlation here between people and those cows. People seem to be attracted to things that are not good for them. If they pursue these desires, it leads to sin. Some people are like that heifer, they know where they belong but have no desire to come home. Despite the well-meaning advice from family, friends and sometimes even pastors they stay in their own wilderness of sin.
How long that heifer would have been content is unknown but sometimes people spend their entire lives addicted to sin that will eventually destroy them. Most of the time they realize they are self-destructing, yet they stay in that wilderness wasting away.
A woman married to a drunk or drug addict knows the minute her man falls off of the wagon, long before he comes staggering in late at night. A man whose wife leans towards adultery knows when she is on the prowl. If we spend enough time with a person, we learn signs about their behavior.
Now to explain the cartoon. Angus cows all pretty much look alike, that is why we use numbered ear tags. So, for the husband to say she kinda chews her cud funny is meant to be a joke to most people. But believe it or not, if a person spends enough time with those cows, we learn certain physical or behavior traits about them and can recognize some of them without their numbers.
The moral of this story is: The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. For some reason that heifer thought life would be better over there, but it wasn’t. People who purposely sin are setting themselves up for disaster by believing their wasteland is greener. The lesson learned here is this, regardless how long we stay on the wrong side of the fence, God always welcomes us back home. But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. Ephesians 2:4-5 NLT
It is funny how God works in a person’s life. For several months he has given me articles about the power of prayer, tools for prayer such as the armor of God, Satan’s motives, and attacks on our lives. To be honest I felt like we were beating a dead horse.
These were basic concepts of a believer’s core understanding that a battle rages daily between good and bad, who the culprit is, and the importance of a serious prayer life.
Nothing with our Lord is by accident. The Women’s Bible Study began a series entitled “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer. I promise you that I did not know that would be the study series or how much the series relates to the last several months of articles.
As I have studied, prayed, and watched the videos it all comes together! I wish I would have had such information and understanding of the scriptures when I was young. My first bit of advice is if you have kids, especially teenagers, male or female, I suggest you have them atleast watch the videos. They are on and are free until November 30th.
Secondly, I know this bible study is geared for women, but men, Satan attacks you too. Mrs. Shirer is an excellent speaker; she is funny, and the lady knows her bible. So, if you can overcome it is a women’s study and you value your family and relationship with the Lord you would be wise to watch the videos also.
Men, God appointed you to be the spiritual leaders of our families. Think about it, if Satan can keep you occupied with something else and keep you from understanding his strategies, he has launched a war with your family living in the middle of the battlefield.. If your home is affected by his shenanigans it will roll over into your careers. Give this series some careful considerations please.
Months ago, I wrote about the armor of God, but I didn’t realize at the time that a prayer life activates the armor. Now I have always been one who prays, in fact I don’t just spend time in the early morning hours praying but some days God and I have an ongoing conversation all day long. It has always been that way. Whether I was behind the wheel of my mail jeep, in the garden, or doing laundry, I am usually at some point asking God questions and praying about things. That does not make me holy, I am just a very inquisitive person who believes strongly in the power of prayer.
Maybe the articles I write don’t give you much to think about, I don’t even know if anybody reads them. I do know that God uses them in my life constantly to teach me and help me grow as a Christian. I am a sinner who needed the blood of Jesus to cleanse me. I am on a journey in life learning, unfortunately sometimes at my own expense. I believe that Priscilla Shirer is sharing a particularly important key about life with us. The armor of God is essential for each of us if we are to survive and a fervent prayer life is the key.
He has skillfully outwitted the world for years, portraying to be someone he is not. His promises are nothing more than lies as he dabs into the world’s business. Our values, finances and yes even our pleasures in life are a target.
Let’s begin in Genesis 3. Here we meet Adam and Eve, the first couple. Life in the Garden of Eden was perfect until they came face to face with the serpent. It was downhill after that not only for the couple but for all of us. Sin entered the picture and the world would never be the same.
Fast forwarding to the New Testament. Jesus left heaven, comes to earth as a baby and is baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus is led to the wilderness to be tempted. He fasted 40 days and nights and was tired and hungry. This is when the tempter arrived on the scene. The devil sometimes comes when we are physically or emotionally weak. It is here Satan himself proceeds to tempt Jesus with absolutely no success.
Satan is the fallen angel described in the first paragraph. He is God’s enemy and he will do anything to stop the tasks of God or at least slow progress down. Christians are in God’s army, but Satan’s desire is to recruit us into his.
Satan’s wishes are to pull us away from God, to take us in the opposite direction of God. His lies and temptations are subtle distractions and can be a highly effective tool. Just as those in this world do not always disclose the true plans of what they intend to do so is Satan. Conveniently he leaves out all the details.
He forgets to tell us we will face consequences for our sins. He forgets to tell us how this sin will affect others, not just ourselves. He chooses to forget to …….
He is a persistent, homeless ex-angel who prowls over the earth like a roaring lion looking to devour an unsuspecting soul. He has a taste for Christians as this blemishes God’s kingdom. Remember, months ago I said we go to battle everyday.
Satan’s underlying motives are evil in every case. He uses deceit and fear to manipulate his prey. His intentions are to kill and destroy. Jesus on the other hand, has laid out the truth about Himself and what is expected from us clearly in the Bible. Pure and simple in black and white.
Satan aims his arrows at our selfish desires enticing us to sin. He cries “Bullseye” if he is successful. Jesus aims for our heart. The very soul of a person letting love heal our wounds from life’s journey
Fear, unrest, a nation struggling with natural disasters, hate and disease are what we have witnessed in the past months. It can be overwhelming. I keep reminding myself who is really in control. I also pray for people to wake up, open their eyes, ears, and hearts to God. That is the best solution, only solution to our problems. We are to encourage one another no matter how broken the world is. Follow God’s plan and avoid Satan’s agenda at all cost.
If you haven’t already, I am asking you to open your biblical toolbox. Inside you will find a manual for living a life pleasing to God. These scriptures show us right from wrong, providing a map that leads us to the narrow road. These words of wisdom will help us in our journey to know Jesus.
We will also find the appropriate clothing to help us when we go to battle. In case you are not aware, we go to battle everyday. Our enemy is Satan who lies and comes to steal our joy, peace and any relationship he can. So the attire mentioned in the scriptures for everyday wear is important.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11
Verses following explain each piece of clothing or equipment needed for the daily warfare we will face. The belt of truth stores our tools. A breastplate protects our heart or soul. We also have footgear, a shield, helmet and sword.
Now more than ever we need to open our biblical toolbox and seriously use the tools and the power of prayer.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. 1 Peter 3:12
Prayer time is important too. In your toolbox you will find guidelines to pray effectively. Prayer time is not for the faint of heart. It is a time to get real with God. Praising Him, thanking Him and seeking His will. During this time your relationship with Him will grow and flourish if you nurture this time. You will also use this time to tell Jesus your needs, ask for forgiveness and pray for others.
Reading your bible during prayer time will allow the Lord to show you scriptures that will open your eyes. Use these scriptures as prayer guides, amazingly this small act will help with memorizing the very words God gave you that day.
With Satan’s flaming arrows aiming for our heart the battle can become wearisome. But we cannot give up, this battle does not only attempt to conquer our own personal battleground but also the battleground affecting our families, friends and anyone who walks on this planet.
A battleground can be our home, workplace, schools and yes even in our government institutions. Satan employs wicked people to do his dirty work. They surely must not realize that their payment will be eternity in hell. No fringe benefits there.
As Satan slings lies and temptations our way each day, we will need to trust that our prayers concerning our minds and heart are protected by our combat clothing provided by God. Satan will plant thoughts in our head, so a wise person learns scripture.
The tools provided by our Heavenly Father are in the biblical toolbox. It is up to each of us to take time to open and use them properly. A quick prayer asking for your want list to be filled is not being wise. Seeking a relationship with the one true God and trusting that His Son paid your sin debt on the cross is wisdom. Trust Jesus, He is the only one worthy.
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
July 4th, 1776, a date to remember fifty-six men from 13 colonies had placed their signatures on one of the most important documents prepared for the United States of America. Fast Forward to July 4th, 2020, a mere 244 years later our nation still struggles with a turbulent atmosphere. What have we learned in those years?
Freedom is not free; men and women have served, and many died so you and I could have a voice in this country. Our Christian influence and votes are important. We should never allow our children to lose this understanding. It is worth our time to teach them patriotism to the flag and what this nation was founded under. Lest they forget, the valor of many will be in vain.
If it is worth having, it is worth working for. John and I were not perfect parents, but we did teach our children the value of hard work. They were taught if you are going to do a job-do your best, nothing less. Our forefathers worked many long hours I am sure making a living and meeting time after time preparing the Declaration of Independence for future generations.
Americans are not the only ones who struggle with problems in government. Those struggles do not end at the government level as businesses, military, educational systems, even our precious homes all have conflicts to work through. These struggles are not just haunting present-day humans for the Israelites also struggles with right and wrong, freedom and even slavery.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope we can find time during our busy days to cry out to God and plead for mercy. Our culture has been leading us away from God for quite sometime now, many have abandoned Him. It is time to cry out to the one who has complete control over everything. He will deliver us. One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Chronicles 7:14. If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Isn’t that comforting.
The window that I look through is small, but God sees it all. His window is huge. Nothing is a surprise to Him. Cry out to Him, repent if there is sin in your life and He will deliver us giving us ease in the land, prosperity, and peace. Wouldn’t that be wonderful for history to record for future generations.
We are due a revival in this land, but as God’s people we must set the example. It would be awesome if it started in the United States and went worldwide? It could! The world is facing the same types of problems we are. A pandemic that continues, riots throughout the world, wicked people who savor harming innocent folks for a cause that has no real definition. A lot of what we are facing is just pure wickedness. Satan is having one big old party for now, but God is waiting. He is in control and he has the whole world in his hands.
Don’t you hate it when God tells you to do something and it is the last thing you want to do? It is uncomfortable, awkward, and you feel as though your privacy has been invaded. “Why would anyone even care about my life,” I said to God. But the urging grew stronger so there must be a reason.
Upon awakening, it was as though a video of my life began revealing the good, bad and ugly. I am a sinner. I have done things and said things I am not proud of. I did not want to relive that part of my life. But there was no “pause or off” button.
The good memories are fun and comforting but the bad have a way of intermingling with those stealing some of the happiness. It is no secret that I love my husband, children, son-in-law and daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. I am a family person to the core.
The hard times in life have taught me a lot about myself and made me who I am today. I have always struggled with trust, since a young person, so trusting a God who I could not see was a challenge for me. I always believed in God, but trust was not easy. It has taken time and experiences in life to teach me it is ok.
I have seen Him work in my life countless times, in our marriage, with our finances, in my own rebellious life. My biggest regret is that I took so long to surrender my way to His.
God has fixed some big problems for me. I have felt His presence in my life. I have felt His hand touch me. He has protected me from harm and detoured some of my plans. He has put love in my heart for people I did not love, and I cannot count the answered prayers I have had.
I wonder if Moses stood at the Red Sea and even for a second doubted it would spread apart. Or what about David, the boy who slayed Goliath. Did he for even a split second have doubt enter his mind? In my eyes my problems were as monumental as the people in the Bible because they were ravaging my life.
Yes, at times I have doubted, other times I had complete faith. I can only tell you that His intervention was not a coincidence. I am positive of this.
I am just here today to tell you I have personally seen God work in my life. Maybe this letter to you today will remind you of His presence in your life also.
When you are in the eye of the storm remember the past. Remind yourself of how the impossible was conquered. And always remember the tomb on Easter morn. To many Jesus resurrection was impossible, but He is alive! Nothing is impossible for Almighty God!
Are You a Gardener?
Earlier in the week I looked at the weather and saw that it is to warm up. The seed catalogues had already caught my eye and I had placed an order looking forward to playing in the dirt.
A small seed sprouts, a plant is born. God sends rain and sunshine and we nurture the plants. If all goes well, we harvest a crop. A crop that we can freeze or can for the future. Exciting for people who like to grow things.
Now if you’re not a gardener you are probably thinking you are happy buying your food at the store. Dirt under your fingernails is not a turn on. Clothes that could walk to the washer alone are probably disgusting to you. But if you are a gardener, you know how good it feels to be outside in fresh air bending and stretching as you prepare the soil, plant the seeds and care for the seedlings that soon grow to maturity.
I love to can and there is nothing more beautiful as to gaze upon the jars of vegetables or fruits that I have labored over. To think it all starts with that seed. If you are not a gardener it is ok, we all have different likes and dislikes.
But let’s unpack this thought. It is important to me to understand the value God has put into a little seed. He uses them everywhere. I also value the hard work that goes into growing the produce and preparing it for tomorrow. Some people open a can of food and never give it a second thought.
When we share the gospel, or “good news”, with others we are planting seeds. We may not harvest that crop, but somebody will if the seed grows. We have all struggled with the pandemic we are facing. No matter what we face in this life we can rejoice that we always have good news to share. It is obvious that this is the perfect time to plant seeds in the hearts of those we meet.
Here’s a thought to think about. I am hearing two types of conversations from people. One group is worried about finances, their losses and are willing to sacrifice lives for a better economy. The second group are more concerned about saving physical lives although finances are a concern. They are volunteering and working on the frontlines of this crisis. Don’t assume that we have no financial worries, we are hurting just like everyone else. But what is important?
There is a big difference in what God’s Kingdom values and what the world believes is important. World values are only temporary, the Kingdom is eternal. A simple way to help plant seeds is to invite people to listen to Pastor Seth’s sermons on U-tube or invite them to our drive-in church. We all must admit that was awesome! This may be the ticket for someone who is uncomfortable entering a church building. Through one of these venues they can get a feel for what is the “truth.” The time to plant is now while the soil is fertile and ready to bear fruit.
The Rugged Cross
The Coronavirus is taking top billing in the news and by the time this article appears in the newsletter we will probably be head over heels in a war fighting an invisible target that we simply do not understand. As important as this subject may be, I am reminded of something of even greater value in the big picture of life.
As I have navigated through life, I have climbed many mountains, rejoiced at the top but quickly found myself heading back down the slopes to the valleys. The ups and downs of life have certainly played havoc in my life yet here I am still marching to the beat of the drum. Only God knows for how long. I am hoping for a very long time as I have so many things yet to accomplish in this life. Just like you, I do not know what God’s plan is. Maybe that is for the best.
As our attention is on an unseen virus have we lost focus of what this spring season brings forth. A fresh new beginning in which we will celebrate Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem. His sacrifice on the rugged cross at Calvary, and the empty tomb on Easter morning.
Read these words from the song, “The Stand” by Joel Houston. You stood before creation, eternity in Your hand. You spoke the earth into motion my soul now to stand. You stood before my failure and carried the cross for my shame. My sin weighed upon Your shoulders, my soul now to stand. So what can I say and what can I do, but offer this heart O God completely to You. So I’ll walk upon salvation Your Spirit alive in me. My life to declare Your promise my soul now to stand. So I’ll stand with arms high and heart abandoned. In awe of the One who gave it all. I’ll stand my soul Lord to You surrendered; all I am is yours.
It was my failures, my sinful desires along with yours that nailed Jesus to the cross. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank Him for taking that sin to the cross for me. I can only imagine how He felt as He looked down upon His mama, knowing the pain she too was experiencing as she watched her Son slowly die. I can only imagine Mary looking up to her Son, not fully understanding why He must die such a hate filled death. I think of how I would feel if that were my son and my heart aches beyond what any words can explain.
Yes, the coronavirus is not to be taken lightly, but despite the bad news it brings we still have so much to be thankful for. We have Jesus Christ and all His promises for all of eternity. In such hard times maybe we can encourage others and give them hope in Jesus. If they choose not to listen that is their choice, but if they do and if they understand the meaning of Easter there will be one less soul for Satan to destroy. Attitude is everything no matter what battles we face in life. Now is the time to use good old common sense and lean on our faith as we help others in crisis.
The Old Testament describes the creation of the universe, shares the family life of many, and gives prophesy of Jesus coming. In these books of the Bible we read about sins that even today, trouble the world.
As humans we tend to want to grade sins on the curve, some being worse offenders than others. Example, jealousy. Who of us have not felt jealousy in our hearts at one time or another? Whether it was in our childhood towards a sibling or in a dating or marriage relationship with others. I am sure that at one time or another we are all guilty of being jealous of something.
Stealing, greed, lying, favoritism, adultery, murder and so much more is in the Old Testament. The generations before us have struggled just like our generation with the same old sins.
In the garden, who was it but Satan himself who deceived Adam and Eve. Satan was once in heaven with God. In the end, it was his pride, self-centered attitude and desire to be God that cost him his home and position in heaven. The one true God sent him on his way.
He is notorious for being a deceitful, lying tempter. A roaring lion who is on the lookout for victims. Even the unbeliever is in his sights. The last thing he wants is for anyone to come to Jesus. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
2 Corinthians 4:4
Since time began, his tactics have been successful. Today’s world is just as corrupt as the Old Testament days. Sin still ravages our homes, communities and world.
The good news is that Jesus Christ has won this victory and it is only a matter of time before Satan’s tricks will come to an end. A Christian should believe that Satan’s been defeated. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4
As a believer, there may be sins we don’t want to let go of, they feel good. Temporarily… that is for when we must pay the consequences it is a different story. Satan doesn’t even have to work on this person. And this type of person should quit blaming Satan for tempting them.
We are no different than the people who lived two thousand years ago. Jesus has our back, we must test the spirits and read our bibles, how else will we know what it really says. We must trust in Jesus’s work on the cross and the empty tomb. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;
Revelation 12:11
The Perfect Self Help Book
As a child I remember hearing adults say we didn’t have to worry about our enemies in the world because our country would destroy itself from the inside out. As a child, I did not understand. Since those days we have legalized drugs, killed innocent babies and helped with assisted suicides. Our value for human life no longer holds a concept to protect the innocent. Marriage is no longer sacred. Our culture is perfectly fine with no commitment between a man and woman. Children are sometimes left to fend for themselves as mom and dad are too busy to be bothered. It doesn’t paint a very pretty picture. Where does one go if they truly want to do life right? The answer is simple, the Bible. It is the only place you will find the absolute truth. The reader does not have to worry about what part is true or false. Before we go any farther let’s establish what the truth is not. It is not what the majority of people or a group of people believe. People are not perfect; we don’t have all the answers. On the other hand, the bible does give us a standard and morals to live by. That is so old fashion some will say! Those people will reject the truth because it interferes with how they choose to live. Scripture is full of God’s truths to help us avoid drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality. Truths to help us in our marriage and parenting. Truths about operating a Godly business and more. I have said all this to share with you something important. Sunday school and church are important. Let me use my class as an example. First, I love my kids. Every single one since I started teaching some thirty years ago at Dearborn. They will always be my kids. The kids I have now are just as important to me as the first group I taught. Last week was the icing on the cake for a teacher. They did not want to stop. They wanted to keep reading about a wicked King Ahab and Elijah. We finally had to stop to go to worship. The bible is full of true-life stories that are exciting and adventurous, sometimes happy or sad, maybe a little boring when you get to all the “so and so begat so and so.” But in all honesty, our lives can relate to things we will read. Well unless you have lived in a bubble all your life. Most of us have not, we have endured hardships of some kind, made our own share of mistakes and we all know we are sinners. What’s it going to hurt? Pick that dusty book up off the shelf, open it and sit down and read. If you are struggling with an addiction or a marriage problem, look it up. If parenting isn’t as easy as you thought it would be, look it up. God is the perfect parent. The world may look at the Bible as a book of fables, but it really is God’s word and the truth. I am counting on it.
The Intricate Work of God
The snow swirled through the air yesterday as clean white flakes danced in the sky falling from every direction. I googled snowflakes and much to my surprise they are much more complex than I imagined. Why would I assume that even something so small as a snowflake created by God would be simple in design? For it seems that everything God does is intricate. Every detail is thought out and planned according to His will for a specific purpose.
One fact stated that it is extremely unlikely that two complex snowflakes will look exactly alike. So it is with people. We may resemble one another in general characteristics, and our family genetics may give us a bent towards certain physical or personality traits, yet we are all different.
I enjoy genealogy. Out of all the families represented in our clan I see “different” constantly. Yes, certain traits are carried generation to generation but in the big scheme of things we can safely say we are all created with much thought and detail into our being.
We are beginning a new year and with that new year will come new opportunities. Maybe you will be facing many changes in your life or maybe it will appear that your life is the “same oh, same oh.” Whatever the case may be, we can rest assured that God is in the mix guiding us.
Every year I love to sit in the dark by the fire and enjoy the Christmas tree lights. To me there is something warm and inviting about that scene. After I enjoy the peace and quiet for a time I pray. I pray about absolutely everything that is important to me. My family, health, friends, my country and more. Trust that these are the very things I pray about everyday, but on this particular night it is special. I cannot tell you what is so special about this night. But I know it is special.
Let me encourage you this year that after all the excitement of Christmas is over and before you put away your decorations take time to sit in the dark and enjoy those lights. Then take time to pray about everything that is important to you. Don’t hurry through your prayers but take time to pray and listen. It is not a ritual but a time to deepen your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Remember-there is nothing simple or ordinary about you in God’s eyes.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers’ womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalms 139: 13-16
Enjoy that time with our Lord and savor the idea that you are special and unique to Him. From my family to yours I wish you the best in 2020.
Seeds of the Heart
It is hard to believe that we could possibly be winding up yet another year, but Christmas is just around the corner.
The Christmas story is a love story between the one and only true God and people. God created people to love and have a relationship with. He loved us so much that He allows us the freedom of choice whether to accept His love and gift of His son or not.
This is how God showed his love among us. He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9
True love loves no matter what and sacrifices freely. God did just that. He sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth. Jesus obeyed His Father and did all that was asked of Him to the point of dying on a cross for all people.
I recently found a swatch of paper that I scribbled the following words on one day last summer. Seeds always reach down deep in the ground before reaching for the sun. Seeds of the gospel must also reach down into the heart before bearing fruit. I didn’t know why those words kept coming to mind that day until now.
As we go about our daily routines, life absorbs our time. Yet all of this time God is reaching out to you and I. He wants that relationship. The Holy Spirit works planting tiny seeds in our inner most being. Some people respond quickly while others of us take longer. Those seeds are like our gardens, the roots must wiggle down through the dirt or sin in our heart and become established before a plant will push through the ground producing good fruit.
Once again, we see that Jesus is our role model for life. He obeyed the Father sacrificing all. When the seeds in our heart begin to grow, we are ready to accept the beautiful gift of salvation.
We know we have all sinned. Lying, stealing, adultery, cussing, etc. At some point in our life we borrowed something from work or a friend and did not return it. Who hasn’t told a little white lie? Even a little lie is enough to keep us out of heaven without Jesus. Have you ever lusted for someone or something that didn’t belong to you? That is called adultery or coveting. We are all guilty of doing or thinking something wrong. That is why Jesus came to this earth, died and was resurrected. So His blood could pay off our sin debt. Our bill has been stamped “PAID.”
It should be obvious to everyone that we need the sacrificial blood of Jesus to pay our debt but sadly most of the world does not understand this. In fact, a surprising number of people are not even sure if heaven and hell exist.
Just as the garden plants reach for the sun our heart needs to reach for the Son of God. Christmas is the time we contemplate Jesus birth. Join us December 1st, 5:00, in the park for a live nativity. Watch the story of Christmas unfold before your eyes.
The Devil and The Duck
The author to this story is unknown but what a good word picture to help us understand the chains of sin.
There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for dinner. As he was walking back he saw Grandma’s pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head, and killed it. He was shocked and grieved.
In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing. After lunch the next day Grandma said, “Sally, let’s wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” Then she whispered to him, “Remember the duck? So Johnny did the dishes.
Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.” Sally just smiled and said, “Well that’s all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help.” She whispered again, “Remember the duck?”
So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally’s he finally couldn’t stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug, and said, “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.”
Thought for the day: We all have a past, and the devil enjoys nothing more than to rub our nose in it. Each day when the opportunity comes, he reminds us of our failures. We may have lied, not paid a debt, we may even hate someone. There may be bitterness, anger and even unforgiveness in our hearts. Just as the little boy acted on impulse, many times we do the same only later to regret our words or our actions.
As I read this story, I was reminded that God sees it all, in fact He has not missed a single moment in our life. The good news is that He still loves us and He has forgiven us. He knows that Satan will bind us with chains for as long as we will allow.
The key to the lock on the chain is Jesus. Go to Him, confess your failures and change the path you are walking on. Don’t give the devil permission to use you as a slave for the strain will become unbearable at some point.
Remember how compassionate and loving Grandma was to the boy? God has even a greater passion, love and desire to be reconciled with us. He is waiting patiently. Go now so you can enjoy real freedom.
Checking cows this morning I pulled up to a hot wire that traveled the boundary of the pasture. I have seen this hot wire countless times but this morning it stood out in a different way. I thought how odd that I put so much faith in such a small tool used by many farmers today. It is slender and stretches for miles and performs its job efficiently. This one strand doesn’t look like much just hanging around, yet it is powerful enough to hold back a 1500-2000-pound animal. They respect it.
There are times though that the hot wire, or even two rows of hot wire become useless. They are still hanging around but not performing as they should. Sometimes the fence charger is the culprit. Or maybe the end of the wire flips down that holds the insulator in place causing the fence to short out. Mother Nature even helps sometimes by blowing a limb out of a tree allowing it to position itself over the wire shorting it out. At any rate, the hot wire is useless when it doesn’t perform properly.
I can assure you that it doesn’t take cattle long to figure out the wire is of no harm to them. They become adventurous and look for greener pastures no matter how lush their home may be.
As Christians we are putting our faith in someone who we can’t see. But God surrounds us everyday. He is there when you are in the majestic mountains that reach to the sky. He is there when a sunset takes your breath away because of its beautiful colors. He is there when it is hot and muggy and you are praying for a breeze and soon realize one has appeared. He is there when you have cleaned out your bank account and walk from the mailbox wondering how you will pay a doctor bill. Yet when it is due you come across unexpected funds. He is there when you watch a new baby pig or calf makes its entrance into this world. How any ever survive is a miracle in itself. He is there when your daughter is told she has cancer and it is aggressive. Yet she is blessed to come out of it alive and well. He is there when you pray and pray and feel like your prayers are not going to heaven and one day they are answered. He is everywhere and this list could go on forever.
Even though I have not seen Him in the flesh I know He is there. I have felt Him in my presence. I know He is powerful and I respect Him. Unlike the hot wire I have never considered Him as useless. Quite the contrary. My life would be hopeless without Him. If I had to depend on my intelligence and abilities to survive in this hard world I would be in deep trouble.
For those who balk at the idea of placing your faith in someone you can’t see I feel pity. Their closed minds keep them from a relationship that no words can adequately describe. A relationship that I treasure.
The prayers were powerful, the music was incredible, the sermons were thought provoking and the sanctuary was filled with the Holy Spirit. Perhaps the first hour or so on night one may have been a little awkward for some, but those feelings were soon dismissed. By the end of night number one a weaving of lives began to take place.
We talked about the Good News Gathering for a year but this week it was finally here! Preparations were made, people came, and different churches came together as strangers and left as family. What a glorious three days we shared.
Opening night Pastor Mike McMurtrey, Bethany Christian Church, asked where folks were from. Different churches, some as far away as Iowa shouted out their home church name. The closest bonding seems to come between those who shared a meal together. If you think about it, what is the first thing you do when guest arrive at your home? You offer food and drink.
Not only did High Road lead us in worship music but they shared their testimonies and scripture. Their talent had the people clapping, smiling and enjoying it to the end. The first night our own Pastor Seth brought the message in true “Seth form.” Night number two we heard from Randy Frye, Gower Christian Church pastor. His illustrations and humor brought another night of insight of why we were meeting together.
Night number three was a bittersweet for me. I enjoyed every single part of the Good News Gathering. I honestly did not want it to end but it had too. Pastor Mike Gilliam from Trimble Baptist shared his message. This man is very animated and like the others truly loves Jesus.
On the last evening we all shared communion. As Christians we understand the importance of Communion. It is not just a ritual, but it should be done with a repentant heart. Pastor Randy Wade, New Beginnings, led us in Communion. The act of breaking bread knitted our individual church families together to become one.
So what happens now? Do we walk away from one another and perhaps plan another huge event in a year or two? No, we have made a commitment to one another to be there as encouragers and helpers as we each walk daily in a world that hates who we put our trust in. Satan would love nothing more than for us to have said goodbye last evening and wait for the calendar pages to turn, turn, turn.
We are now in the truest sense of the word family. Because Pastor Seth listened to God, we joined with other churches of different denominations to become one. We are the bride of Christ and we have work to do until He returns. We have each other to lean on as well as be the encouragers when need be.
I remember sitting there the second night watching those throughout the sanctuary. The thought that entered my mind was simple, this is a family reunion. A place and time that brothers and sisters in Jesus come together over a meal and worship the same Savior and leave knitted together.
Advertising is big business in our culture and the point of every ad is to convince us that we need the product being sold. We need push button windows on our cars, so we don’t tire ourselves cranking the window. We need a little robot to sweep our floors, so we don’t exert the energy. (I would love to have one of those-Hee Hee). We need faux furs on our collars, so we feel classy. We need it ALL according to the companies behind the ads. But is it always to our best interest to follow the new trends?
As a farmer’s wife I cannot count the number of farm magazines that pour into our mailbox. My husband reads them all cover to cover and to be honest, they are interesting. I will use some facts our of two such magazines today, The Drovers Magazine and the High Plains Journal.
A company, which will remain nameless to avoid free advertising on my part has devised a new product as of May 2, 2019. If I understand this correctly it goes beyond the veggie burger. The label eludes to a healthier product and lists a mixture of pea protein isolates, rice protein, mung bean protein, coconut oil, potato starch, sunflower lecithin, yeast extract, gum Arabic, maltodextrin, cellulose from bamboo, methylcellulose, beet juice extract, ascorbic acid, annatto extract, citrus fruit extract and vegetable glycerin. Ooh! That does not tempt my taste buds at all.
Their plan is to replace the use of animals, the real deal that God created, as food production by 2035. Farmers today are producing the same amount of beef in 2019 as in 1977 with one-third less animals by using better genetics, nutrition and animal health and welfare.
Basically, what is within the wrapper of this product is fake, imitation, faux, artificial, not genuine. Whether or not you choose to eat this is strictly your business. Personally, I think God had a better idea.
But this faux meat product is not the only imitation lurking out in this world. We live in a world filled with countless religions that expect us to work for our salvation. Only Christianity allowed Jesus to do the work. You will never read in the Bible that you must do works to be saved. Quite the contrary!
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are. Acts 15:11
Although it is God’s grace that saves us our desire is to serve to further the kingdom for His glory and honor.
If you choose to eat fake food or wear imitation diamonds go ahead and enjoy the satisfaction they give, but make sure your faith is the genuine God and Messiah. It is only in Jesus we can be saved.
I hope this does not sound prideful, but as I was sitting on the porch swing I began to admire the rock work dad and I constructed years ago.
Sixty six ton of rock piled in our driveway that needed to be broken at the seams with sledge hammers, chipped away piece by piece using hammers to then be placed upon the ledge of this building we would eventually call home.
Almost every day for six years we worked on this house, I can’t recall how long the rockwork took. I just remember thinking that the rapture would surely come before I ever moved in!
I learned how to use a plum line, mix cement, sand and water in a box with a shovel, clean between the rocks, recognize the seamlines and lift rocks into their proper places of this puzzle.
Dad was a seasoned carpenter and stone mason who started building after World War II. I was the apprentice.
All that work would have been wasted had we not secured a strong foundation in the beginning. Without a solid foundation our home would have soon crumbled.
So how would this idea of building on a strong foundation connect with our daily lives?
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11
It is apparent to all that life will have storms. Whether they are tornadoes or a crisis in our marriage; a hurricane or a health issue; a lightning strike or a wayward child. It is anyone’s guess what storms we will endure. But it is true we will all weather storms.
How we react and hold up is an individual response but Christians have an advantage.
If we are truly a believer, we have a firm foundation in Jesus Christ. We know He led a perfect life, something none of us can do. We know He endured the unimaginable prior and during His time on the cross. Most importantly we know He was resurrected and is alive today!
The world insist finances, beauty, power and success in the business world can be our foundation. Our culture constantly reminds us of what we need yet it never would dare mention living for Jesus.
But that is exactly what each of us needs, a foundation built upon our Savior.
The foundation that our Heavenly Father planned for us will never falter, never change.
Our instruction manual is written in black and white, we have access to pastor’s sermons, Sunday school teachers understanding and fellow believers to help guide our path.
God’s plan from before time began was for each of us to accept the gift of salvation, grow in our faith and help others do the same.
We should not listen to the distorted lies of culture and certainly should not enable their success by watering down the truth of Jesus.
We are apprentice studying and building our faith at the Masters hand.
In each of us there is a special place, the heart of our soul, where our Lord lives. We claim that Jesus knocks on the door of our heart and it is up to each of us to open the door and let Him inside.
At that point the Holy Spirit gives us specific gifts to use for God’s precious kingdom.
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
How can our gifts be used within the church and our community?
“Roots, home, neighborhood and community---these are the geographies of our lives, the places where God dwells.” Diana Butler Bass
God dwells wherever He is invited. His eagerness to work in our personal lives, families and communities is like an adventure waiting to happen. He wants to move us personally, He wants to move within our homes and transform our hearts and He certainly wants to move in our communities.
There has been a lot of talk the past few months about an event our church will participate alongside with area churches. It is called “The Good News Gathering.”
The Good News Gathering is bringing believers together from different denominations to learn and work together for Christ. We will be encouraged in worship time as pastors share their messages. Our music will be inspirational as the country gospel group, “High Road,” leads us in song.
Preparing and involving yourself for this event, whether you belong to First Baptist of Gower or one of the area churches involved will depend on your passion, attitude and commitment to God’s work.
As Pastor Seth has honed in on a vision of area churches working together, equipping one another to share the gospel and give pastors help encouraging one another as well as their church families so that we might all work towards the common goal of sharing Jesus with the lost.
Our desire is intentional to honor God. As a church, each must decide how passionate we are to accept the responsibility that Jesus gave when He told us to go make disciples of every nation. Hopefully at the end of the day we will walk away accepting the tasks God has put before us. We will have a desire to give our very best work, I am talking about 100% our best work. Our commitment to Jesus will be stronger than ever before because we have not only accepted the challenge but have made new friends along the way in other Christian circles, each working hard for the kingdom.
We have till the end of June to raise the finances we need, we have a long way to go. We will have positions open for workers to fill, use your God given gift. Let’s join together and passionately accept this adventure. Let’s have an intentional attitude for serving Jesus and preparing the hearts of others as we plant the seeds of the gospel in our communities. Listen for God wants to use YOU!
Flex Those Muscles
Spring has sprung and it feels so good to get out and work outside. If you are like me all that activity reminds us that we have muscles that have been on vacation all winter.
Bending and stretching brings those “babies” back to life. Thankfully after a few days the soreness will work out and we are ready for lots of action the rest of the spring, summer and fall.
The whole idea of flexing something is to move it, stretch it or bend it. The phrase “use it or lose it” applies here. So as we work in our yards, gardens or play with the kids we are continually stretching, contracting muscles and exercising all while building more muscle.
Exercise is good for our heart as well as the rest of our organs and even our mental state.
Our spiritual muscles work the same way, they need to stretch, contract and be exercised daily. Our spiritual muscles need some flexing too! Sometimes we get so busy with everyday activities that we forget to exercise our soul searching heart.
God has given us scripture to feed our mind. In turn this spiritual food feeds our mental, emotional and physical needs.
Prayer, spending that quiet time with the Lord will help improve our attitude and mental state. I have even read articles stating it improves our physical health.
As believers the Holy Spirit has given each of us atleast one, sometimes more spiritual gifts. No matter how small or insignificant you might think your gift is remember that God designated that gift to you for a reason, He has a plan for you and that gift. What better way to flex those muscles as to get our hands dirty and feet busy for Jesus.
Flexing those spiritual muscles will also take you out of your comfort zone. Ooh, I hate that one. Scares the living day lights out of me. But it is true, those muscles need flexing also.
So maybe we all could use a good spiritual workout in the months ahead. We have opportunities everywhere. Mission trips, Bible studies, Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Good News Gathering, Sunday Worship, Women’s Bible Study, Youth group and more.
Let’s flex our spiritual muscles, let’s give Satan a run for his money and show him we are strong and ready to run the race for Jesus!
Despite the cold weather, we are seeing signs of spring. Though the March winds are pounding us each day I have seen a pair of doves, John has spied some kill deer and now we are anxiously waiting to see robins, the all famous sign of spring.
For all of us spring is definitely a new beginning. The start of a fresh landscape that comes to life with color and activity.
But what was spring like for Jesus as he prepared for a trip to Jerusalem. Prior to this trip He had spent time teaching, calling people to repent, visiting friends, healing the sick and preparing his disciples for what was to come.
He knew Judas would betray Him. How heartbreaking it is when a friend disowns your friendship to satisfy their greed for money or status.
His leadership skills were still needed as he gave instructions for the preparation of Passover. His work never seemed to end.
Think of the torment Jesus faced in the Garden. He prayed so fervently that his sweat was like drops of blood. He prayed that if it was His Father’s will, the cup or the upcoming torture, death and rejection would be taken away from Him. How stressful!
One of His closest friends would deny knowing Jesus to save face. Again, rejection from one who previously swore he would go to prison or face death for Christ. All I can see here is emotional pain that would physically weaken most of us.
Arrested, mocked, stripped of His dignity, beaten to a pulp, slandered, rejected for the sake of a well-known criminal who was set free. Standing before a weak leader in a mock trial knowing His fate all along.
Fortunately for you and I, He didn’t falter. He met the adversities with courage, faith that our Heavenly Father was in control and a heart filled with love. That love nailed Him to the cross.
It was now about noon, and the darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Luke 23:44-45
Understand that previously, the temple had three parts. The courts for all the people, The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. It is there we find the curtain. Only a priest entered here once a year. But with Christ death the curtain tore top to bottom so that you or I could go to our Lord anytime, anyplace and enjoy a personal relationship with Him. No need for a priest to come between. No need to wait until next Sunday. No need to neglect the most important relationship we will ever know with another.
The hard knocks of life may frighten us but Jesus is always there waiting for us. When the roots of our faith run deep in a relationship with Jesus we have no reason to fear the wind. Sandy
Thin Ice
It is a cold blustery winter day and we went to check the cows towards evening. We are calving now and I wish the sun would shine and the wind would stop blowing so hard.
John spotted a calf that had been born several days ago during a storm laying on a neighbor’s pond. Until he could access the situation we had no idea how thick the ice was or for how long the calf had been there.
It was obvious that the little guy was worn out for he had struggled and worked his way closer and closer to the middle of the pond.
We were nervous that the ice was not thick enough as the ground is mud underneath the snow. A terrible and unusual problem for farmers right now since it is towards the end of January.
This little calf had a problem and so did farmer John. You see the calf was where he didn’t belong and the farmer had to save him. Not only was he in danger on the frozen pond but he wasn’t even in his home pasture. He had ventured off into dangerous territory.
When a person sins it is kind of the same way. Sometimes a person is just naïve and falls into a trap. Satan has tricked them just like he did Adam and Eve.
Other times a sin seems like fun when it first starts but as it progresses it is like the slippery ice. A person loses their footing only to fall. Unfortunately some people have to keep falling down over and over until they finally realize it isn’t fun anymore. Satan has a way of blinding a person’s eyes.
Even when we realize our dilemma and try to get free from this sin we can’t manage to get our feet under us long enough to do any good.
In our case, farmer John was able to lasso the calf eventually and pull him to safety. I stood on the sidelines praying John wouldn’t go thru the ice. I was basically helpless, as I couldn’t lasso a bull moose and I knew if he went in the pond I could never get him out.
Sin is a different story though. There is no human on this earth today who can take away our sin debt. In the case of sin no one but Jesus can save us. It is only by His precious blood that we can be saved.
In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace Ephesians 1:7 Sandy
The Dusty Road
One of my regrets in life is that I had not kept a journal. When the children were small I did not have time. As they grew I worked outside our home leaving me with even less time. I think I would have enjoyed reading about my journey through life, especially after I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Answered prayers, comforting peace overriding times of fear, sorrow and pain.
When the children were small we lived in an old farmhouse that I dearly miss except for the cold winters. We had only wood heat and I had a wood cook stove. I cooked some of our best meals on that stove. I remember looking out the window as the wind blew through the trees watching the grass in the pasture blow like waves in the sea. My vivid imagination waited for the Indians to ride over the horizon.
Life flew by and the next thing I knew I was crying because the kids were gone. Where had all those years gone to?
Somewhere in between those days I come to the realization that I was a sinner and accepted Jesus as my Savior. He brought me through my sorrows in life as well as helped me celebrate the good times. I forged into a new chapter of life.
As I walked down the road of life I learned that I would get dirty. Dirty from work, dirty from my own sinful nature and dirty from the sins of others. I learned that life was not fair, that no one owed me anything and hard work was required of me.
Most of all I learned that Jesus was with me through the thick and thin of life. Good times as well as the bad. I learned that I needed Him more each day. I learned that repentance is harder than you would think. Sin appears inviting yet so darn dirty. Best advice I could give someone is to run like crazy away from anything that would cause you to stumble.
I learned that Satan would use fear to hold me back, that trust is something I struggle with and that I am worse than I ever imagined. But I also learned that Jesus loved me, even the old me who struggled and failed just because I didn’t understand I was in need of Jesus greatest gift.
Through the years He has help to clean me up, although I still get dirty sometimes. He has taught me that His love is so dependable and strong.
His mercy is new each and every day as He reminds me to live each day to the fullest. He accepted me when I was dirty and unlovable.
Whatever your season of life it is never too late to accept Jesus gift of salvation. The New Year is a time to leave your past behind. A time to move forward, make changes.
If you have never accepted Christ’s gift, let me assure you it is the best decision you can ever make. If you are a believer, why not journey deeper into the scriptures and begin to grow in your faith.
All of us travel the dusty road in life sometime, we all get dirty, but Jesus can clean anyone up. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6
The streets were crowded as Mary and Joseph arrived in the midst of buzzing activity at the market place in Bethlehem. Vendor’s enjoyed the added income from those who traveled for the census while other folks were merely passing through.
The Holy Land’s abundant fertile hills provided Joseph a secure but meager home for his family. Cattle, sheep and donkeys shared this cave as the King of Kings was born in such an unlikely place. Imagine if you can, the sounds and sights of that special night.
Joseph trusted God and took a pregnant woman named Mary to be his wife. An innkeeper provided the stable for the young family. Late into the night the shepherds slept under the stars with their sheep until a bright light awoke them. After entertaining an angel in the field they found their way to the cave in Bethlehem to see God’s precious gift.
Most of the Jewish people expected the Messiah to be a great political or military conqueror. So how could this helpless baby be their king? King Herod, a ruthless and evil man heard of this new king and his jealousy flared. He knew that the Magi, or Wise Men, were traveling to see this baby. He requested that they report the whereabouts of this child when they returned to Jerusalem. In a dream God sent them elsewhere.
The Magi came from faraway lands to bring gifts. Some scholars say each one came from a foreign land, to symbolize the world. They came to Jesus and the first thing they did was bow down to worship the King. The scriptures tell us that someday when Jesus returns every knee will bow again. For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall give praise to God.” Romans 14:11
King Herod became so distraught that he ordered every male child be murdered up to the age of two. Herod, with all of his power and authority could not stop the Baby Jesus. Via a dream Joseph knew to take his family to Egypt.
Did you ever think of all the people and circumstances involved in the birth of one baby? Those who were obedient were blessed. As for Herod, even his ill attempts at changing God’s plans were fruitless.
Nothing in this world can stop the plans of God. The Magi traveled thousands of miles looking for Jesus. Herod possibly had many sleepless nights devising plans to destroy Jesus. And God used the lowly despised shepherds to be the first to hear the good news and visit the new family.
The Magi brought their best in way of gifts, they were committed in their quest for Jesus. Their actions honored the Lord and their passion showed the love in their hearts.
God’s plans may seem radical at times, just look at the cross! But He is in control and He does have a plan. Bring your gifts to Jesus just as the Magi did and worship Him daily.
Looking Up
I have struggled this month as I tried to figure out what God wanted this article to share with you. My quiet time with Him left me without any words but I noticed that every time I rode down the dry creek bed to chore the tree roots in the clay bluff caught my eye. They did not just appear overnight but have been there forever.
When we do have rain and the creek rises it washes away more soil exposing the roots even more. The roots are like long fingers reaching into the ground intertwining amongst one other. Some are large and some are small.
So this morning I sat in the dry creek bed staring upward at the roots and dirt. This is what I saw.
As the swollen creek washes away dirt in times of heavy rain the earth also moves from beneath causing cracks to appear in the layers of the bluff. The layers of dirt are different colors due to minerals and the types of soil. God even gave dirt beauty by adding color and different textures.
We will pretend these cracks are the times that we foolishly listened to Satan and followed his deceitful lies.
But it is the roots that my eye and mind keep referring to. So I studied them. The large roots are experiences we have encountered in our lifetime. They are the major struggles we have dealt with from time to time. While the smaller roots are experiences in the making.
As the heavy rains carve away the soil it reminded me of how Satan chips away at our faith. Little by little he continues to deceive us by putting fear and doubt in our minds. It is those big roots that keep us stable. Those roots are the experiences that we should recall. The times and memories where God pulled us out of the mud pits of life during the storm. When we go through hard times we need to remember what God has done for us in the past.
Satan wants us to wallow in the” hard time pit” so he can manipulate our thoughts and actions by encouraging us to do wrong or feel forsaken. It is easier for him to lie to us if we feel alone.
The good news is we are not alone. In the hard times of life we have our Christian friends and Jesus to lean on. We also know that in the times our roots dig deep into our faith we are growing stronger. Our faith is deepening and our trust in God is growing.
The important lesson is to always remember to look up. Our roots of faith will intertwine with scriptures and grow stronger with each new day. The Lord is my strength and shield, my heart trust in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalms 28:7
A Broken Heart
I watched the children on the playground. A little group of friends who had been together since kindergarten. The new kid awkwardly approached them asking to play. The looks on their faces told the story, the answer was no! The answer always seemed to be “No.” Time after time the child felt the sting of rejection.
The woman cried a river of tears each night as she prayed for her husband. He had decided that he no longer loved her and began to live a life of sin. She prayed, she begged but nothing changed. Then one day he came to her and said he was done. The marriage could not be saved. He had found someone who was his soulmate and wanted a divorce. Those words stung her ears and pierced her heart. She was broken and feared the pain of rejection would always linger in her heart.
She met an older woman who had lived through a similar hell. They talked, she listened. The older woman said, “Child, you cannot let a man’s words or actions define who you are. You are a child of the Living God.” She took those words to heart, not without struggles but continued to move forward with a broken heart that slowly began to mend.
There was a man who reached out to all. His heart was full of love and He wanted to help everyone. He was criticized for his words and actions. He was mocked and threatened.
One night he was dragged away to appear before Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea. Beaten beyond recognition he paid a terrible price for what He believed, yet he never wavered.
Then without just cause He was nailed to a cross. Bleeding and bruised He hung paying for a crime He did not commit. His heart was broken too. He came to heal and comfort, but mostly He came to save.
He knew, even before Adam and Eve failed in the garden that man would fail. He knew when Moses took the Ten Commandments down from the mountain top the people would sin. He knew He would feel the piercing nails every time mankind sinned. Each time when He is rejected His heart is broken by those He loves.
Patiently He waits. Rejection is a painful part of life. No one knows that better than Jesus. To think that our Savior endured it with a willing heart is unimaginable. Yet He waits for each of us to come to Him with His forgiving heart. The thought to remember is YOU are not worthless, YOU are valuable in God’s eyes. It doesn’t matter who you are or what secrets lie in your past. Please come!