Youth Group

This is our highest priority meeting for youth. Youth Group meets every Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 at the church. Our usual format is games, music, lesson, and small group.

Youth Sunday School

Youth Sunday School meets from 9:00 to 9:45 on Sunday mornings. The class is taught by Jonathan Stewart for young people 6th through 12th grade.

Youth Events

We have multiple events outside of our regular meetings each year, with Summer time being the highest volume of events. Come out and join us!

Text Chain & Contact Information

We have a youth/parent text chain through flocknote to help parents keep up with special events, retreats and activities for youth. 

To sign up for youth group texting updates, text “FBCGOWERYOUTH” to 84576.

HOW ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN/What is the Gospel? 

(1) I’m a Rebellious Sinner

(2) Christ Died on the Cross to cover my Sin and Rose Again

(3) Submitting & Relying only in Christ and His Work, makes me a Christian 

Youth Mission Statement:

The Statement of the church is more than sufficient for the statement of our youth group. Accordingly, we exist to Love God, Share the Gospel, Make Disciples

Youth Group Core Values

Accurate Biblical Teaching

Connecting Everyday Life with Biblical Teaching



